Don't Be A Tree
“If you don't like where you are, move. You are not a tree”
-Jim Rohn
“If you don't like where you are, move. You are not a tree”
-Jim Rohn
You have no roots tied anywhere. If you don’t like where you are- then move. You are free. Some of you reading this may not feel like you can. You may feel as though are in a tight situation where there are no options.
Thankfully, I have an answer for you. Simply move. Before you even think it, yes… yes you can.
This does not just mean physically move, such as moving to a new state. No, it can mean to move mentally-to change your thinking. That is the hardest move in my opinion.
We like routines and get caught up in them. We grow accustomed to our way of thinking. For some, running a marathon would be easier than changing their beliefs.
This is where people can come together to discuss topics such as work, school, relationships, and LIFE!
Bring your questions and let’s discuss them. We are, have, or will go through your question/problem so what's the problem with sharing it?
Let's vent, grow, and learn!
Asked by you, for everyone!
Me sharing what I have learned
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